Let's see...
There was a week that patients were just ridiculous and impossible to deal with. I was getting yelled at constantly for the most ludicrous things. Anyway after about 3 ladies screamed at me that they were going to report me and I smiled and said, "Be my guest" I got called into the office. The manager wanted to discuss my recent complaints. Now first off, I hate the fact that the store manager is going to chew you out when they really dont know a thing about what goes on in the pharmacy. And number two, Its no secret that I'm the best tech they have back there so the fact that I even need to address this is silly. After the manager talks about it for a little while, I ask her what exactly my complaint was.....
"The customers said you were a little short with them."
.............................Im sorry A LITTLE SHORT, a little short? You have GOT to be kidding me! If after attacking me, yelling at me, and telling me I'm stupid, have no idea what I'm doing, and need to get out of the pharmacy all you have to complain about is that I was "a little s
hort" with you...I dont think thats anything to be worried about. Personally if thats all you can come up with I dont think that says ANYTHING. Sounds like Im doing a pretty good job. Ridiculous.
I then proceeded to ask my manager about a code a conduct as far as customer treating me like garbage. She told me that they could yell at me, spit on me, or do anything they would like to me and I have to smile. I then told her that I would no longer be dealing with yelling patients and she would be having this conversation with the pharmacists after they get yelled at. Stupid.
Now, how about some pharmacy pics?
Picture 1: So its totally normal to get a bottle of drugs in with no indication as to what medication it is right??? The only way I knew this was Metoclopramide was from the tiny writing on the med guide attached. Oh, and there was never a mg mentioned anywhere. That means I had to open the bottle, look at the pills, and then run a pill search in Clinical Pharm. I should be in touch with Teva about this.
Picture 2: Its Tamiflu compounding time. Since most techs are idiots that cant be trusted, all the compounding is my responsibility. I've been compounding my life away in Tamiflu. Oh and my fingers are getting sores on them from opening the hundreds of capsules :(