So speaking of Doctors. I get a call from one right as I come in for my shift. He asked me if I had a certain pro-biotic to which I told him I'd be happy to order it. Well I've been on my two day hiatus for the week, so I was slightly disoriented on the day of the week when I answered the phone. I think I told him I'd be in tomorrow....but wait, today's friday.....that means tomorrow is Saturday. Oh crap. Nothing comes in till Monday. Well I dont realize this till about 4:30. Now Im a pharmacy nazi. Mistakes are not tolerated. Mistakes in the medical field kill people. Therefore...NO MISTAKES. So when I do happen to let my human nature slide, You better believe that sucker is going to get fixed perfectly one way or the other. So I call his office, who then transfers me to his other office, who then informs me he's not working today. Crap. Well I beg ever so sweetly for the receptionist to somehow get this message to him: that what he ordered will be here Monday, not Saturday. About 5 minutes later, lo and behold, the doctor calls me. Yada Yada I give him the message apologizing. Wait a minute....."what?" He then tells me that he has no idea what Im talking about......ummm excuse me? "You are the only Doctor *Smith right?"
-"Well the guy specifically said 'This is Doctor Smith'"
-"That's weird, Well I appreciate your time and effort with this issue. Thanks for calling"
-"No, Im so sorry I bothered you"
-"No problem, Thanks for caring so much."
Ok so ummmm super weird. Like really if you're going to impersonate a Doctor at least get some freaking Lorcet out of it. IDIOTS!
*Name changed for protection.
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