Friday, August 7, 2009


So today was backorder day apparently. I get Cardinal in and proceed to check in all the drugs and there had to have been at least twenty that were either on backorder, discontinued, or the warehouse was out. The good news is that out of this 20, only 5 or 6 were actual rx's that patients were trying to get. So, of course, I proceed to contact each individual MD, stating the problem and requesting a drug change for the patient who is expecting their Rx today. Now please just tell me, what is so freaking difficult about scribbling down some remotely close drug (cause we all know, they dont really care which drug is being dispensed as long as it's treating the problem) and faxing it back. Takes 5 minutes tops. And thats including pulling the chart, running the med by the doctor and sliding the paper into the fax machine. Now, lets see how many incompetent offices accomplished this today.......2. And one of those was for a freaking antihistamine....thats right an ANTIHISTAMINE. "Oh its ok, lets not worry about the one getting antihistamine is waaayyy more important." Gets who's going to be getting the beef over that one tomorrow???? Oh yeah. Thats ME.

So speaking of Doctors. I get a call from one right as I come in for my shift. He asked me if I had a certain pro-biotic to which I told him I'd be happy to order it. Well I've been on my two day hiatus for the week, so I was slightly disoriented on the day of the week when I answered the phone. I think I told him I'd be in tomorrow....but wait, today's friday.....that means tomorrow is Saturday. Oh crap. Nothing comes in till Monday. Well I dont realize this till about 4:30. Now Im a pharmacy nazi. Mistakes are not tolerated. Mistakes in the medical field kill people. Therefore...NO MISTAKES. So when I do happen to let my human nature slide, You better believe that sucker is going to get fixed perfectly one way or the other. So I call his office,  who then transfers me to his other office, who then informs me he's not working today. Crap. Well I beg ever so sweetly for the receptionist to somehow get this message to him: that what he ordered will be here Monday, not Saturday. About 5 minutes later, lo and behold, the doctor calls me. Yada Yada I give him the message apologizing. Wait a minute....."what?" He then tells me that he has no idea what Im talking about......ummm excuse me? "You are the only Doctor *Smith right?"
-"Well the guy specifically said 'This is Doctor Smith'"
-"That's weird, Well I appreciate your time and effort with this issue. Thanks for calling"
-"No, Im so sorry I bothered you"
-"No problem, Thanks for caring so much."
Ok so ummmm super weird. Like really if you're going to impersonate a Doctor at least get some freaking Lorcet out of it. IDIOTS!
*Name changed for protection.

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