So thankfully I've had a lot of nice people lately. This week we started doing prn flu shots. Within four days our average script count increased by >14%. Now anyone who knows how to read pharmacy bottlenecks and statistics knows this is insane. It's been crazy. And with crazy comes mean. But lately that hasnt been the case. Ive been focusing most of my attention on flu shots and this group of older patients came in. Well we were all cutting up and I was making conversation with them as I was signing them up for their flu shots. As they were leaving one of the guys came and insisted on paying for my flu shot. Of course I declined and said I really couldnt take it. Well after a few minutes of arguing over taking it lol, he just left it on the table and said bye. I really was stunned. I get a lot of nice "gifts" from customers but this just seemed like too much. But hey Ill never forget the year a patient paid for my flu shot. I have some of the best customers when you take the time out to get to know them!!!
On the topic of flu shots....I am just LOVING how many people are coming in gawking about how they "just cant BELIEVE anyone would get that H1N1 vaccine....I mean it hasnt been researched....they know nothing about it....its only been out this year....etc" Ummmm HELLLOOOO I hope you know that a different strain of the flu enters the US each year. This means that *GASP* they have to create a NEW flu shot EVERY year. I mean it's only been out this year!!!! Oh and by the way...they GUESS which one is coming....they dont even know 100% that it will be the certain strain that you get a shot for...OH MY.
Haha people crack me up. I actually told one lady this today (I just couldnt contain myself). Her reaction: *Blank Stare*
I know we're supposed to love people, but jeez are they stupid. Especially compared to intelligent people like you and I Steph.